Medicaid Managed Care Saves Money

As health care becomes more expensive in Texas and across the country, Texas Medicaid health plans have the important duty of keeping costs low for the state of Texas.

Medicaid health plans are meeting that challenge head on, hiring the best doctors, negotiating the most affordable prices, and focusing on prevention and care coordination to avoid costly hospital stays and ER visits.

More than

$5 billion

of taxpayer money has been saved since 2009.

Texas drug cost growth has been cut in half and is

now 3x lower

than the national average.

Texas Medicaid Caps Profits and Requires Profit Sharing Back to Taxpayers

saved or shared with texas since 2009

Accountability to taxpayers has increased. Medicaid performance and financing is transparent and available online.

Texas Medicaid Caps Administrative Spending

Texas Medicaid managed care admin costs are some of the lowest nationally

of Every Medicaid Dollar is Invested Directly in Patient Care

Join us in advocating for a stronger Texas Medicaid program. Stay informed on key policy updates, challenges, and solutions that impact healthcare access for millions of Texans.