Medicaid Managed Care: The Prescription for a Healthier Texas
Today, Texas partners with private health insurers known as Medicaid managed care plans. Managed care plans save taxpayer money by prioritizing preventive care and coordinating pharmacy and health care for Texans on Medicaid and CHIP.
Texas Medicaid Managed Care Has Cut Drug Cost Growth in Half.
As a result of Medicaid managed care, Texas Medicaid prescription drug cost growth dropped by 50% and is now three times better than the national average.
Medicaid prescription drug spending and outcomes are transparent and available online.
Texas’ Medicaid managed care prescription drug coverage is an affordable and efficient prescription drug program that helps Texans get healthy and stay healthy.
Reduced opioid abuse and deaths
Reduce emergency room visits
Reduce hospitalization for asthma and diabetes
Managed care significantly reduced hospital stays
for expensive chronic diseases by 35%
89% reduction in use of the Houston cocktail a mix of deadly drugs that included Viocodin, Xanax, and Soma
Join us in advocating for a stronger Texas Medicaid program. Stay informed on key policy updates, challenges, and solutions that impact healthcare access for millions of Texans.