The Story of How Texas Medicaid Helps Families Keep Diabetes in Check Like most kids, Katheen Eidson’s’ three children, Kyla (17), Kaiden (13) and Halsey (11), love being active, playing sports and hanging out with their friends. But for Kathleen, keeping her children healthy and out of the hospital is a particularly tough challenge, because…
Texas Medicaid Stories
Medicaid is safety net health insurance that is there for Texans that need it most, including Texas Children, mothers, grandparents, and people with disabilities. It helps provide for everything from routine checkups and heart surgeries to home health and at-home nursing care.
The Story of How Medicaid Coordinates Care for Medically Fragile Children Christabel Camacho is the heart of the Texas Medicaid program. Christabel was born with a condition called Trisomy 18, or Edwards syndrome, which is a rare genetic disorder that causes severe physical disabilities. Many babies with Edwards syndrome do not survive in utero, and…
The Story of a Committed Nurse Who Goes Above and Beyond for the Families She Serves Sandy Chapman is a registered nurse manager for the Medicaid BCBSTX health plan STAR Kids program. She goes above and beyond to ensure that the families she works with receive the right care at the right time.
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Goes Beyond the Doors of the Doctor’s Office Dr. Carmen Rocco, a pediatrician in Brownsville, highlights how Driscoll Health Plan made it possible to create a family and patient centered medical home. This model allows doctors to provide individualized care in a family’s home.
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Helps Make Every Moment Count Most moms have lengthy to-do lists. School activities, birthday parties, sports games, and more. But for El Paso mom Cori, the number one item on her to-do list never changes: spend as much quality time with her son as possible. For Cori, who has…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Provides Caring Support for Older Texans and Their Families When They Need it Most Rob Casias works two jobs in Austin and manages to travel to San Antonio four times a week to spend time with his beloved mother, Mary. When Rob’s mother, Mary, suffered a severe stroke leaving…
The Story of How Medicaid Ensures Families Have the Specialized Care They Need There is hardly a more helpless feeling than seeing your brand new baby suffering and fighting for his life. Lubbock mom Rachael Traylor knows this feeling all too well. When her baby, Jayden, was born prematurely at only 27 weeks, he came into…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Marches Alongside You Meet Jordan Scott from McAllen, Texas. Jordan recently began his freshman year at Texas State University – an extraordinary achievement for this young Texan who was diagnosed shortly after birth with cerebral palsy. Jordan, a National Honor Society Scholar, has never let his diagnosis hold him…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Helps the Jones Family Cross More Finish Lines Together Texas Medicaid goes the distance for families. Twenty years ago, Michelle Jones gave birth to her son Charlie, who came into the world 3 months prematurely. Charlie was born with multiple, complex health conditions, but also a fighting spirit and…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Advocates for its Members This summer, Dominic DeLeon experienced something his family waited five years to share with him – his very first birthday party. Dominic has battled complex health conditions and setbacks since he was only four months old. He has never been well enough for a birthday…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Helps Connect Texans with Long-Term Care at Home Something was very wrong. Even though it wasn’t clear what was happening to Michael Lerma, it was obvious he needed to get to a hospital as quickly as possible. After arriving at the hospital, physicians diagnosed Michael with viral encephalopathy, and…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Keeps Young Texans Healthy at Home and in the Community “If it weren’t for Medicaid, Daniel wouldn’t be here.” Debbie Wiederhold is certain that without the caring support of Texas Medicaid, her son wouldn’t be here with his family today. Daniel, who was born with a rare and life-threatening…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Addresses Issues Like Homelessness to Keep Texans Healthy and Active in their Communities When Gregory Keel went into cardiac arrest, he was sent to the hospital and eventually had open-heart surgery. After being released, Gregory could not afford to pay the medical costs from his surgery and became homeless….
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Coordinates Care for Children with Unique Medical Needs Rowan Holler was born three years ago on what was the happiest day in her mother Kate’s life, but for Kate, that day soon turned into a “nightmare” full of uncertainty and fear. Doctors told Kate that Rowan was born with…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Helps Texans with Disabilities Live Independently at Home and in Their Communities In 1981, Joseph “Joe” Kegg suffered a life-altering auto accident that put him in a coma for three months. As a result of suffering a traumatic brain injury, Joe experienced short-term memory impairment and loss – conditions…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Coordinates Care for Children with Complex Medical Needs Faith, an 11-year-old Texan born with multiple complex medical needs, depends on Texas Medicaid for around-the-clock specialty care and support. Texas Medicaid covers Faith’s medical expenses, coordinates care for her complex medical needs and helps her stay as healthy and independent…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Provides School-to-Work Transition Experience for Young Texans With Disabilities Texas Medicaid managed care plan UnitedHealthcare partners with Project SEARCH to coordinate internships for Young Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These interns gain valuable school-to-work transition experience working alongside UnitedHealthcare employees who show them what to expect in the workplace. “It’s…
The Story of How Texas Medicaid Supports Families Every Step of The Way Only one in 250,000 new babies in the U.S. has heterotaxy syndrome. Five years ago, the Ogle family’s baby girl Winslow was one of them. Born with many of her vital organs out of place and not working—including the right ventricle of…
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